You are currently browsing the category archive for the ‘BLOGGING’ category.

I was introduced to blogging using the Tumblr platform. Simple to use with big bright buttons… Perfect for beginners… And for children. However, Tumblr always lacked something… well… Flexibility!

I have just signed up to the new round of Quadblogging and I have been looking for a better Blogsite… One which would allow pages to be added and be able to link to the children.

WordPress has all I need. Using categories I have been able to organised student’s work; I have been able to invite them to join our Blogsite to make contributions; I can screen their work and edit where necessary (and assess!)

Finally… And this is what has sold me on WordPress… I was able to import all my posts from my Tumblr account…


The Impact of Blogging – Great talk… ‘We want to talk to the World.”


Why Blog? The Student Voice… much more meaningful than any teacher waffling on about it. I will use this video with classes and colleagues.


A link to Kids Blogging – It lists 10 sites written by children. They provide great writing ideas. Should be enough to get my students going!!!!

Children Blogging


A really good blog to follow – Rachel Orr’s 365 Day in my Shoes has a great mix of interesting reflections on life and quality education information. A good read.

365 Days in my Shoes – Great Blogs by Teachers