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Why Blog? The Student Voice… much more meaningful than any teacher waffling on about it. I will use this video with classes and colleagues.


A link to Kids Blogging – It lists 10 sites written by children. They provide great writing ideas. Should be enough to get my students going!!!!

Children Blogging

IT’s ALL GREEK TO ME! Very simple idea… but the simplest are the best. The problem with ALN Support is that we remove students from their classes… work with them… and then send them back to class… and we then expect a transference of skills to happen by osmosis… So… I have now started using this portable displays. We can make them in our withdrawal classes… and then they can be put on display in the students main class.

This approach, also allows you to keep the board for future lessons… getting them out like picture in an art gallery. – 30 second Text-to-Speak animations – very quick and easy with embed and share option.

This link takes you to a short story writer by a Year 7 boy. This boy has weak literacy skills and has been identified as having ADHD. He doesn’t like writing. He loves skateboards! Storybird´s artwork of skateboarding was limited… however enough for this boy to write a story that is based on an event he participated in last summer. In the story he refers to two famous skateboarders. So, imagine his reaction when we tweeted his story directly to these two guys. He flipped. Enthusiasm a plenty. He is now writing Part 2!

Finding an Audience for student work through Twitter and Storybird

Power Body Language – use in Classroom Management and Life #ukedchat HT@learningspy @TEDtalks

Great website for creative writing. Picture books that inspired students to write with freedom.